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Content management systems for your website will help you manage and update your website easily





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content management systems

A content management system (CMS) is software or applications and tools which allow you to manage and update website content. This makes it easy for companies and organisations to communicate in a timely, up to the minute fashion.

Websites which are kept updated with fresh, relevant information and images are more attractive to online visitors and also to search engines.

A website built using a CMS can have a number of advantages over other wesbites.

  • streamlined process as the person updating does not need to be a trained designer or familiar with any code or particular technologies
  • faster turnaround time for new pages and changes - whether you outsource the changes or have a person inhouse. Basic site wide changes to menus, for example, can be made in a matter of minutes not hours
  • increased site flexibility - when you are ready to redesign the website's look, you can just get your developer to change the design template rather than needing to totally redevlop the entire website
  • support for decentralised authoring - that is you can have several people in an organisation responsible for updating different areas
  • greater capacity for growth - a good CMS will allow you to add "plugins" etc without huge expense - these might include a calendar, a blog, forums, shopping carts and so on
  • it may reduce site maintenance costs as everything can be updated in-house

There are lots of really good content management systems around but we have found WordPress to be one of the better for our clients.

It's an open source content management platform already powering millions of applications and website . It’s built, used and supported by a very active community of people around the world which helps make your website very portable. This means you are not stuck with the one provider as it is not a proprietary system.

Benefits include that it's very easy to learn how to edit your website, you can have any design or site built you want using it, you can add lots of things as you go along, it's very search engine friendly (which is critical), it's mobile ready so your website appears as good on your smart phone or IPad as at your desk and WordPress development is fast (depending on all your add ons of course).

Where to from here?

Call us on 09 212 6160 or 021 771 299 for an informal, no obligation chat.

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