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Email newsletters  are extremely powerful





email newsletters

Millions and millions of people use e-mail in every 24 hour period. And email is rapidly becoming the preferred method of communication over voice and face to face.

Do you already have an email list? If so you are already well on the way.

Email newsletters are extremely powerful because they give you a way of connecting with people who purchase, or may purchase your product or service, month after month after month. Email newsletters provide a regular means for developing and maintaining relationships, are more directly targeted than traditional advertising and are convenient, measurable and interactive.

And, of course producing an email newsletter costs very little compared to traditional print costs - no stamps, no toll calls, no colour printing, no stationery, envelopes or letterhead - you can expect instant results and heaps of prospects.

Everything you do in your email newsletter - from the way you write and what you write about etc will influence your relationship with your customers and prospects. So you need to make sure your newsletter:

  • contains persuasive copy which provides readers with an incentive to subscribe to future email newsletters and to pass it on to colleagues and friends;
  • makes it clear to subscribers you will respect their privacy, that you will not sell or rent their name to anyone and that they can unsubscribe at any time;
  • is part of an overall strategy which integrates your email newsletter campaign with your current marketing and business;
  • has a design template and content which reflects your corporate branding; and
  • complies with the law by gaining the permission of the recipients to email them (this is why email newsletters are called often called “opt-in” or “permission based” email marketing);
Oryx Technologies can work with you to put together a carefully planned and successful email newsletter marketing campaign so contact us to find out how we can help.

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